The Graner


És un dels llocs més secs de la casa, per ideally keep the hi-gra. Cal-hi highlight a chest (old container that had the farmhouses for storing grain). Actualment hem convertit […]



This room takes this name for two reasons:, one is that in this space we kept all the herbs in the house, such as chamomile, Thyme, elderberry flower…, i l’altra és perquè […]

The Paller


Who has never heard the barn bedtime? Until the 60, each farm there could find at least a haystack, now it has changed, però si surts al […]

El Safareig


In all the villages and hamlets had been washing clothes in the river, in some cases municipal laundries, com and a cas de Can Galló, had its own laundry. Aquest es troba just a […]